The Party of the Hungarian Community (SMKMKP) expressed its satisfaction with the fact that Slovakia is ‘backtracking’ from the lawsuit launched at the Luxembourg court against the Minority SafePack initiative on minority protection which it recently joined. What is important for the MKP is the successful collection of one million signatures by April next year.
However, in the interest of clarity, it is important to shed light on other ‘press information’. The statements of the Members from the Most-Híd party were intended to give the impression that an ‘overzealous’ official to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs challenged the Minority SafePack in the Court during the summer holiday period, and the Most-Híd party is not in any way responsible for what happened. It is clearly stated in the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that, in fact, Lucia Žitňanská’s Ministry of Justice under the responsibility of the Most-Híd party was the institution which challenged the Minority SafePack in the Court (on a proposal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
(www.mkp.sk, 19 Oct 2017)