‘The citizens of Slovakia are counting on the solidarity of the European Union’ stated Pál Csáky, MEP (Member of the European Parliament) in his speech in Strasbourg on 12 March. ‘I should like to point out that the citizens of Slovakia now trust EU bodies more than the public bodies in Slovakia. There is a wide-ranging crisis of confidence primarily vis-à-vis the Slovak government’, Mr. Csáky emphasised in his speech delivered in Slovak.
According to the MEP, the majority of the citizens of Slovakia considers that the European Parliament has assumed co-responsibility with regard to the internal political events in Slovakia after sending a fact-finding delegation to Slovakia to look into the political crisis following the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová. ‘Serious account needs to be taken of this momentous occasion, as well as of the fact that deep-rooted corruption that also affects EU funds was the cause of the events in Slovakia. I would just like to warn the European Commission and the representatives of OLAF of this and call on them to thoroughly investigate the matter. The majority of the people of this country expect us to contribute to cleansing the system of corruption’, the MEP remarked.
Finally, he pointed out that the murder of the journalist should be investigated under strict international supervision. Since the citizens of Slovakia have no confidence in the Slovak police, pointed out the MEP. ‘The credibility of the political elite and the European Union depends on this’, Mr. Csáky concluded his speech.